Mega Book Collection Digital Book - kostenloses SEGA Megadrive ebook


Zufällig drüber gestolpert… für die Konsolenfans: Hier gibt es das Buch „Mega Book Collection - A Visual Guide to the SEGA Megadrive“ digital als kostenlosen Download:

We have managed to beg, steal, borrow and recruit an amazing bunch of Megadrive fanatics to contribute to the book for a wider variety of opinions and personal reflections of the games you will see within the Mega Book Collection Digital Book. We have taken a great deal of time to focus deeply on providing a Sega style of aesthetic and design throughout the book, capturing that nostalgic vibe that provides you with that “right back in the day” experience.

The Megabook Collection will primarily focus on the splendid glory of “The Games“. These have been painstakingly chosen from the vast Megadrive library which we don’t mind saying, was no easy task let us tell you, as we had to really go for gold with their selection. We have also been extremely lucky to have a British gaming legend, co-creator of GamesMaster and guest host and editor of a great variety of UK gaming magazines to name but a few to his credit, the infamous Dave “Games Animal” Perry to write the foreword for the MegaBook Collection Book and an interview with Core Design founding member “Chris Shrigley” who worked on many Mega-Cd Titles for the Sega Megadrive.

Being a massive fan of the Sega Megadrive aesthetic, we have pulled out all the stops to deliver as close to the authentic box-style design and include some amazing facts about the Sega Megadrive for your reading enjoyment. The Games covered will also have a distinctive Megadrive vibe in writing style too.

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